Monday, April 11, 2016

Of the life before and after Kristian

I got the inspiration for this post when Jonna explained me today how she sees her academic career divided between the time before and after the Kristian.

Before Kristian, she was studying the ice and bacteria, and after Kristian, she’s been doing everything but that, among other things, moved from fundamental research into more applied sciences.

And this made me realize that also in my life, Kristian left a permanent mark. By inviting me to take part of the first CFLUX cruise in 2013. This effect is maybe little less academic and more personal in nature, since our joint scientific affairs are still only a small part of my work.

And here’s how:

-I never took vacations before meeting Kristian (and now I’m already on my fourth holiday cruise).

-People used to call me a “a modeling person” before Kristian. Not anymore. Now I am a real biologist.

-I know now how big the Baltic Sea actually is. And how small is the sample. And how many mistakes you can make when taking the sample.

-I fell in love with the sea the first time I was on the cruise. Being disconnected for days, forgetting the time, and depending on the forces you can’t control is a strange kind of freedom that you will always try to experience again.

-And, last, but not least - I have finally something to talk about with my father. Because, you see – he also was a sailor once. And it turns out that the waves that travel the waters of the Baltic Sea haven’t changed so much.

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